I hadn't realized til this morning how long it's been since I last posted. Things have been so chaotic and crazy lately. I really need to get back in the swing of things.
I ended up posting last time at work. I should've waited til i got home. Adya ended up freaking out, and screaming at Seth. We came home, and found that Seth had made a mess. He hadn't done anything all day, let alone fill out any job apps. I said something to him about it, and he just shrugged. I'm doing everything I can not to yell at him like his mother did. The kid has serious mommy issues...
Adya seriously just goes off! She starts by screaming at me. I told her I'd go bring Sokah inside in the morning, and let him enjoy the lovely evening. She wanted it done that second. I told her off, which only fueled her anger. Seth started talking about Ragnarok Online like he always does; since that's his whole existence. He started talking about how his character of five years finally hit lv 99 and "transended".
Now, normally Adya and I just hear him out and give him the attention he's seeking. I cut him off and asked if he heard back from any of the jobs he had applied at. He stated that he had been turned down for at least four due to his shoddy job history. That's all it took for Adya to loose it. She started yelling at him! I'll do my best to go through what she said, but I will not quote it due to the fact I know it's not 100% accurate.
I don't want to hear about your f'ing game!!!! When is the last time you filled out a job application?! Oh, that's right you haven't unless we twist your arm to do so! If you ever applied yourself you would've had a job by now! It's been how many months...Oh that's right! It's been 4 months since you've been fired, and YOU have only filled out for 4-5 jobs! Jamie and (me)Kai have done twenty a piece for you! Why can't you be bothered to do it "Mr. King of Kings". (Yes, Seth thinks he is a reincarnated god, and his destiny is to be the king of humanity. That he's destined to save all of us. It's his way of feeling better about himself i'm guessing but he's a nutter imo) If you're a king we're all f'd. You'll never amount to anything, and frankly I'm sick of you being here. Get out!!!! I don't care if you don't have a place to go. You should have thought of that before you decided to sit on your lazy ass and not do a damn thing! Hell, you even got fired from f'ing Wal Mart! (FYI Adya worked there. Her way of quitting there was not to show for 2 months. They kept putting her on the schedule. She was one of two people in her department, and it was getting backed up w/o her being there. They only took her off the schedule after she had told them she quit 2 months ago.) It's almost impossible to get fired from Wal Mart, but guess what, you managed to! You can't keep a job for longer than 3-4 months! You've been fired from every job you've ever worked! Why not get off your sorry ass, and do something for a change! Clearly, what your doing doesn't work. Try something else, but do it on someone else's dime! I'm tired of paying for you to sit on your ass, and play games while I work a job I hate.
Seth, looked to me for support as his friend, but I didn't give any. Everything that she said was accurate. I told both of them that she was too harsh on him, but it wasn't unfounded or false. He admitted that what she said was true. Seth had a breakdown afterwards. It wasn't about how he had failed at everything b/c he yells at customers, or how he was lazy. He was crying over the fact he didn't know where he would go. He couldn't move back in with his mom, and I'm seriously his only friend. He has burnt every bridge he ever had, by doing the same thing he was doing now. I apparently just have more patience that people he has previously encountered. However, I'm way past the point of patience.
After his breakdown he filled out six job apps online. His usual is three to four. Early the next morning after Adya had taken the car into work, he had gotten a call for Rent A Center. They wanted him in for a job interview. It was one of the applications he had filled out just hours before. They set up the interview for Thursday. Nothing else happened the rest of the day. I mowed part of the yard, and somehow managed to find poison sumac growing up one of the trees. I cut it down and ripped it out. Luckily, I washed my hands with Dawn dish soap promptly afterwards, and I had no adverse reaction to the sumac.
Thursday morning Adya and I took Seth to his interview, and got him there early. He had decided twenty minutes before we were leaving to shower. If I hadn't been badgering him to hurry, he would've been late. He arrived ten minutes early, and we left to go check out one of the Halloween stores for decorations. They didn't have anything that didn't look "cheesy" so we ended up not getting anything. When the interview was over with Seth said they would call him next week, and that RAC was doing interviews til Saturday. We stopped by a few places so that Seth could get physical applications to fill out since the RAC job sounded unsure.
When we got home, we took care of the dogs, and I ran Adya into town for work. I ran a few errands and came back home. I started cleaning the house since it was raining out. I couldn't exactly finish the mowing in the rain. While I was cleaning Seth played MMO's. He honestly played til about 5am the next day.
Friday, was the final straw. I had gotten up, and found that Seth hadn't completed any of the applications. He was suppose to get up at 10:00am to turn them in, but slept in til 2pm. I had enough. I made out a rental agreement for bills, and responsibilities. I used a notarized legal rental agreement from a local apartment complex, and added in a few things. The most notable was the deadline for Seth to have a job. I stated that he had to have a job by October 28th or he was to be evicted. I also outlined their responsibilities, pet deposit, the rent amount, and when it is due. Both of them signed the rental agreement with no quips. I put the part about the pet deposit; b/c when we took in Jamie's dog Angelo she stated that she would have the pet deposit when she got paid.
Well, we took Jamie into town to go to the bank, and to get Seth's drivers license renewed. Seth's license was void after his 21st birth day back in June. Once Jamie got back in the car at the bank, I asked her for the refundable pet deposit. Her reply was, "I don't have enough to pay you, shaun, gas money, my psych, my appointment, or anything else." I reminded her that she swore and promised she would have the pet deposit, no matter what. She stated she wanted to keep Angelo, but clearly couldn't afford him.
I asked her at that point if she honestly wanted to keep him. "It's not like you take care of him. All last week I was the one who fed him, brushed him, and worked on retraining him. You haven't even bothered to so much as go outside to see if he is even still there. If you cared, or wanted him than you would have at least done that much. Hell, he is still covered in pee from when he was trying to mark his territory. (Angelo is a <75lb corgi. He's at least(!) 20lbs overweight. There's so much extra fat, when he goes "potty" he ends up with it on his thighs or his butt. Yes, he has a bubble butt.) That was a week ago Jamie!" Her reply was that she had been stressed and figured we were doing it so she didn't have to, "I just don't have the time." >_> Seriously?! "Then you don't need a dog!" I reminded her that she also agreed to purchase the supplies for a fence for him and Freya (basset hound). He can't continue to stay in the one we have with 3 other dogs; it's just too small.
We ended up deciding that she can pay half of it upfront and pay the other half when she get's paid next. We also enacted a "3 strike rule" if she does not take care of her dog 3 times in a month, he finds a home with the corgi rescue. They have already set up a spot for him in advance.
Seth ended up getting his license renewed, and filling out a few job applications that night only after much to do about him doing them.
Saturday wasn't a bad day at work. I was busy with a lot of people coming in to the office. Adya had another fit dealing with Seth though. He sat on the computer reading "Berserk!" manga, from start to 98/300. He also told her that when I came home I'd be making beer bratwurst and Italian sausages. Seth tends to volunteer me for things, and they usually get thrown back in his face. This time it was Adya. She yelled at him in the kitchen while on the phone with me. She called to inform me I was cooking for Seth that night. Seth ended up cooking them on the George Foreman grill, and ruining it. He decided he'd clean it with a steel wool pad. Now that it's scratched all to hell, I have to replace it. Which means he will be paying me back for it.
After work I went to the store, and picked up some brats, sausage, and coal for the grill. I still ended up cooking. The ones Seth made were still raw in the middle. I didn't make beer brats due to the fact they have to marinate for hours, and we were out of beer. I'm not a beer drinker so it's silly to buy a case or a few and leave them in the fridge for months. They still turned out well according to Jamie and Adya.
Yesterday I ended up driving to Burlingame, Kansas to pick up a blind cat for a rescue. She is due to have kittens any day. Yes i'll post pictures! The cat seems to have been blind since she was born. It has full color in it's eyes, and gets around just fine. We dubbed her "Echo". She chirps and meows as a form of echolocation.
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